OUR SERVICESSettlement Agreements

Most cases are resolved through negotiation, mediation, neutral evaluation, collaborative law or some combination thereof.  It is the exception, not the rule, that New Hampshire divorce cases are resolved by final hearing.  In many cases parties attempt to reach full resolution of all issues before filing any documents with the court.  Then, after the divorce has been fully negotiated and settlement documents are signed, all documents are submitted at once.  In such a case, so long as the documents are well-prepared, a divorce is typically approved without a hearing within one month. 

The basic forms necessary to resolve a divorce in New Hampshire can be found online.  See https://www.courts.state.nh.us/fdpp/forms/allforms.htm#divorce.  These forms are inadequate for couples with significant or complex assets because more detailed provisions will be required, but the structure of the forms will be the same.  In all cases, parties should consult with an attorney before signing or filing a settlement agreement.  Divorce property settlements are generally not modifiable once approved by a court.  An ill-advised or poorly drafted agreement may result in an unmodifiable hardship.